Culinary Nutrition Programs - primary and high school

Nourish can facilitate a nutrition and cooking program for your class! 

Nutrition and cooking are two life long skills that are crucial for good health and development — so why not learn about good nutrition and food in school! Our practical program will give students the knowledge and confidence to improve their lunch boxes and create life long healthy and balanced habits. 

Culinary Nutrition Program inclusions

  • 2 hour program (based on class size) 
  • Nutrition presentation by an experienced dietitian suited for the year level 
  • A cooking workshop 
  • Recipes and resources 
  • Ingredients

Useful information

  • This program is best suited for primary / high school students 
  • A home — ec room is useful 
  • Our cooking class is strictly nut free and we practice safe food hygiene at all times 
  • We can cater for all dietary requirements, with 10 days notice minimum via email

If you would like secure a spot in the school term please send an enquiry form with the following information

  • Name of your school 
  • Class size
  • Preferred dates and times
  • Nutrition topics of interest 

Kind words from previous programs:

Hi Rebecca,

I am just emailing to express my thanks for the program that was delivered on Monday. The students really enjoyed the incursion and learning that took place. The presentation was great, not just with the content delivered but how well it was delivered through engagement with the students. The cooking and the recipes allowed them to try a new experience that was different to that of their Home Ec classes as it used different ingredients”

Thank you,

Myles (Hope Christian College)

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Eager to take the next step and better your health and wellbeing? Make an equiry with Rebecca below!

we’ll help you with dietary strategies to better your diabetes care